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The Basket Hauraki is a community organisation based in Thames and working in the Hauraki and Te Tara o Te Ika a Māui (Coromandel Peninsula).

Our mission is to promote social, environmental and Tiriti justice through various initiatives, including food growing and redistribution, Te Tiriti o Waitangi education and strengthening environmental networking.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

We develop and deliver Te Tiriti o Waitangi workshops for tauiwi organisations and for people within our community. We also run a fortnightly online decolonisation reading/learning group.

Kai Network

We work within the Hauraki Food Resilience Network to build relationships with local growers, tamariki from local kura and local organisations to grow and distribute kai in our community.


We host workshops and webinars and ​support networking with Hauraki-based ​environmental groups to strengthen ​collaboration, share resources and learn.

Who we are

The Basket registered with Companies Register NZ as a Charitable Trust in 2021.

Our Trustees are also the people on the ground. We're passionate about our communities, and about building quality connections. We couldn't do anything we do without building trust, and working closely with people in our community.

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Shakēd From


Shakēd is a Jewish Israeli who grew up in a Kibbutz and has lived in Aotearoa for 12 years. Shakēd has a rich background in community, permaculture, and collective land tenure projects. He has worked on eco-village development, permaculture-related food production and education, with a focus on relationship-based community collaborations.

As a Jewish Tauiwi, Shakēd aspires to be an active tangata tiriti in Hauraki/Aotearoa. Currently, he is focused on family life on the shared organic farm, participating in local resource recovery projects, completing a degree in 'Resource and Environmental Planning' with a minor in 'Māori Studies,' and serving as a trustee of The Basket Hauraki.

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Catherine Delahunty


Catherine has worked on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, environmental and social justice issues for many years. She was an MP for 9 years and is experienced in community organising and education for communities and organisations on Te Tiriti history and practice. She teaches online and in person within Hauraki and nationally. Her background includes activism on toxic chemicals, beneficiary advocacy and water quality issues. She is involved in a number of groups including Coromandel Watchdog of Hauraki, Kōtare Education Centre and West Papua Action Aoteraoa as well as The Basket Hauraki. Catherine is a columnist, author and grandmother and lives in the Ngāti Maru lands in the Kauaeranga Valley.

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Laura Hamilton


Laura has been involved in community development and public health for over 15 years. She values deep listening and working with and for often marginalised groups to affect policy and social change, recognising the structural blocks of power dynamics and the importance of challenging the status quo. She was born in Scotland, grew up in Canada, and spent 17 years in Scotland before moving to Aotearoa in 2015. She has an MSc in Public Health Practice, a Certificate in Public Participation and a background in social research and facilitation. She is on her journey to becoming a better informed tangata tiriti. She lives in Thames with her partner and daughter.

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Helena Mayer

Trustee/Reading group lead

Helena is a queer, first-generation German Pākehā. They grew up in Hauraki and now live in Ōtepoti (Dunedin), where they are studying toward a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. Helena has been involved in a number of environmental and social justice organisations over the past few years, including facilitating the Basket's Te Tiriti reading group. They enjoy poetry, knitting and cooking.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Would you like to learn more about decolonisation and how to become a better ally to tangata whenua?

Join a public workshop, invite us to facilitate a workshop with your organisation, or join our ongoing reading group. Get in touch HERE.

Our position statement related to this work:

We recognise Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the primary text to be read alongside He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nū Tīrene. We acknowledge and maintain that hapū in Aotearoa never ceded sovereignty and recognise the authority of tangata whenua in Hauraki. We assert that 'Treaty Principles' can never replace the text of Te Tiriti.

We see our part in realising tino rangatiratanga and kaitiakitanga in Hauraki as working with 'our' people, being Tauiwi / Tangata Tiriti. We strive to build collective allyship in our communities and act in solidarity with Hauraki iwi by educating tangata tiriti and taking practical action where and when appropriate. Our group is actively seeking a long-term and authentic relationship with Hauraki tangata whenua.

As a group, we believe that understanding the history of Hauraki, as expressed by tangata whenua, is essential to working with environmental and social issues and groups from a Te Tiriti perspective. We recognise that He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti are our guides, and we value the wisdom and experience of tangata whenua.

Watch this space for news on

our next community workshop

Keep up to date here and on our Facebook page for

upcoming community based courses and events.

Tiriti o Waitangi - Workshop Resources

Stay Connected:

Join The Basket E-mail list: stay informed about relevant local issues, events and opportunities to show up (email us to be added ​-

Follow us on FB:

Join The Basket 'Tiriti Book Club': fortnightly sessions of continued collective learning (email us for more information - ​


Subscribe to E-Tangata for a weekly magazine centring Māori and Pasifika voices:

Short series:

The Citizen’s Handbook (season 1, episodes 1-3):​handbook/story/2018739418/the-citizen-s-handbook-season-1-episode-1-tangata-whenua

The Aotearoa History Show (season 1):

Land of the Long WHITE Cloud:

Alice Snedden's Bad News (Episode 8 - Treaty Partnership):​news/story/2018754064/episode-8-treaty-partnership-alice-snedden-s-bad-news

The NZ Wars Collection - RNZ:


Check your Pākehā privilege: www.checkyourpākehā

Treaty Resource Centre:

Treaty People: A variety of Tiriti resources (some in 25 languages spoken in Aotearoa)

He Tohu:

Te Tiriti Based Futures and Anti Racism - Videos from webinars:

Nuku (podcast) - 100 Kickass Indigenous women:

Waitangi Tribunal reports:

The Hauraki Report, volumes 1, 2 and 3 Wai 686 - Combined Record of Inquiry for the Hauraki claims Waitangi Tribunal ​

He Whakaputanga me te Tiriti The Declaration and the Treaty, The Report on Stage 1 of the Te Paparahi o Te Raki Inquiry ​

Kai Growing and distribution

Do you have time to collect food or offer resources of your own, like an abundant garden or fruit tree? Please get in touch with us, we’d love your support.

Our position statement in relation to this work:

Although food rescue, food growing, and redistribution can provide immediate relief to those facing food insecurity, they are only temporary solutions that do not address the underlying drivers of this issue. With our community, we grow and distribute food as one means of addressing food insecurity, lack of food sovereignty, and challenging the legacy of colonisation. While we recognise the role of food rescue and redistribution in providing immediate relief, we acknowledge their limitations in addressing the root causes of land displacement, poverty, and access.

In lieu of more transformative change, we are focused on supporting local food growing and sharing, as well as food redistribution without judgment about who deserves access to food. We support the return of fertile lands to tangata whenua and the development of food systems based on everyone having access to food. We support food waste minimisation and collective food growing, but central to the issues are the rights to the resources that allow people to feed their families and communities.

Do you have land, food to share or time to volunteer with us?

We’d love to hear from you.

Get in touch via our email or our Facebook page.


We work within an environmental network in Hauraki, mainly to support increased collaboration, networking and the ​development of Te Tirititi o Waitangi based awareness and practice.

Our position statement in relation to this work:

We recognise the urgent need to address the multiple crises facing the natural world, including climate change, biodiversity loss, ​water and ocean pollution, and toxic chemical exposure. We acknowledge the leadership of tangata whenua in teaching us to ​live in balanced and connected relationships with nature.

As a small Hauraki-based group, The Basket Hauraki recognise our role as allies to tangata whenua in restoring Hauraki, and as ​a group committed to facilitating tangata tiriti groups to work from a Te Tiriti perspective on responses to these multiple crises. ​We are acutely aware of the local manifestations of these crises, including the pollution of Tikapa Moana (Hauraki Gulf) and ​rivers by agriculture and forestry, as well as the proliferation of pests and weeds and the encroachment of mining companies.

Our approach is grounded in the belief that a healthy environment is essential to social wellbeing and equitable economic ​prosperity. We seek to connect tangata tiriti environmental groups in Hauraki with each other and with the common cause of ​environmental justice, while recognising and respecting the authority of Hauraki hapū and iwi.

get in touch

Keen to get involved?

  • Offer support to grow kai by providing your time, resources, skills and/or your land
  • Help us in collection / harvest for the Pātata Kai / community food pantry
  • Donate excess food - either groceries or fruit / veg from your gardens
  • Help us with local research on food waste
  • Approach us about becoming a Trustee
  • Start your journey to being an ally to tangata whenua by taking part in a Te Tiriti o Waitangi workshop and joining our reading group
  • Keep up to date on local events and support local justice based activities


Laura Hamilton

0204 075 2009

We are flexible in our approach and will get back to you as soon as we can.

We do not have an office base to visit.